The Top Tile Trends for 2023

If you're planning to build or remodel your home in 2023, it's important to be up to date on the latest and greatest trends. This is especially true if you're remodeling a kitchen or bathroom that involves porcelain tile. So, to make sure that you know what's in for this year, here are some of the top tile trends for 2023. 

If you are looking for new tile to elevate your El Paso home, you’ve come to the right place. Contact us online or call (915) 249-2955 to learn more about our products and services.

Natural Stone Tiles 

For centuries, marble floors have been a sign of luxury, decadence, and refinement. It's a look that never goes out of style as long as it's done properly and in the correct setting. Unfortunately, because of how expensive marble is, only some people can afford it as a flooring option. Thanks to modern tile technology, however, you can now get porcelain tile that looks identical to marble and give your home the luxurious look that you crave. 

Faux Wood Tile 

You're probably thinking that wood slats or beat board is outdated and no longer in. While that might be true for wood itself, it's just the opposite for porcelain tile, which looks like wood. Tile in this style has a clean, modern look and is extremely popular in Norway, Scandinavia, and Sweden. The key is to choose a tile color that's light and complements the rest of your bathroom or kitchen. 

Going Green 

Going green isn't just a good energy option. It's also reemerging as one of the most popular colors for bathroom tile backsplashes. Green porcelain tile first came onto the scene in the 1970s and 80s but disappeared for the last few decades. However, it's making a comeback in a big way because of how refreshing and opulent it is. The right shade of green will complement your bathroom and give it the clean, cozy feel you're looking for. 

Checkerboard Tile 

If you want to go with a classic style that never seems to be on the outs, checkerboard is the way to go. Black and white checkerboard tile is a timeless classic that might not be the most unique option, but it will ensure that your bathroom or kitchen is never out of style. It somehow always works, as long as you choose the right color pattern and have it professionally installed. 

Black Tile Floor 

The top two overall tile trends for 2023 are clean and modern or stark and contrast. For the latter style, black tile is an excellent option. Black tile floors are especially good in bathrooms that are white, clean, and modern because of how much it complements the lighter tones. Black tile also hides potential stains and spills, which are commonplace in bathrooms. While any type of black tile is a good option, matte finishes and uniquely shaped tiles are best. 

Polar Opposites 

For most people, the safe option is to choose different tile colors for bathrooms that complement each other. If you want to be bold and different, however, it's now IN to choose tile colors and styles that are polar opposites of one another. For example, penny-style tile on a shower floor goes great with large panels on one side and a checkerboard floor on the other. You can safely mix and match a wide variety of tile colors and styles as long as they complement each other in one way or another. Contact us to learn more about these and other popular tile trends for 2023. 

Who to Contact for the Best Porcelain Tile Options in El Paso

In addition to these options, there are plenty of other porcelain tile trends to be on the lookout for in 2023. Whether you want to be trendy with your bathroom tile or go classic, contact us online or call (915) 249-2955. We carry a wide variety of tile options and can help you choose the right style, color, and material for your bathroom.